Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Own It!

My Facebook scroll has featured a growing number of posts/ articles that discuss public breastfeeding. Since I've never given birth and/ or breastfed, I haven't paid much attention to these posts, except be puzzled by why people are upset about public breastfeeding. I remember my mother breastfeeding my youngest sister in the hot, stuffy car, and on hindsight, believe it would have been easier on my mother and sister if she could breastfeed in public. But that was the extent of my "encounters" with breastfeeding as mothers usually breastfed in a private room.

Hence I didn't think much about it...until I watched this video produced by JoeySalads about a week ago (copy and paste https://youtu.be/sKjO0jZWkx4 if the hyperlink doesn't work). It recorded the reactions of people who passed a mother breastfeeding in public. I was shocked by the rude comments that men and women flung at the mother.

A week later, JoeySalads conducted another similar social experiment. This time, he recorded the looks/ comments of people who saw a woman dressed in a top with deep cleavage (I'll call her "the model"), and a mother breastfeeding in public. He first recorded the model and mother separately, then sat them next to each other. The results are in this video HERE. Please watch it. I was appalled by some of the comments made by people, especially the man who said that it was fine for the model to display half her boobs because it was "hot," but it was not okay for the mother because it was "disgusting."


In a rare twist, the comments section for both videos were very supportive about public breastfeeding, and I am impressed that the vast majority of the public seem to be comfortable with public breastfeeding. For once, the internet trolls are silent.

While I don't support the so-called "Free the Nipple" feminist campaign, there is nothing inappropriate in a mother briefly revealing her nipples to breastfeed her child in public, or showing half her boob while her child is sucking. Besides, how many mothers let their naked breasts "hang out" longer than necessary? Most of them either a) cover their child with a nursing cloth that I heard is hot and uncomfortable for the poor infant, or b) cover their breasts before and after the feeding as soon as possible. As JoeySalads and many others have pointed out, breastfeeding is natural and a non-sexual act, so no mother should feel guilty for baring her boobs in public within this context.

Furthermore, even if you disapprove of public breastfeeding, you should not make such rude comments to nursing mothers. This is basic etiquette. Public breastfeeding is not a moral issue, hence there is no need to correct these mothers. Leave quietly if you are uncomfortable with what you see.

So to you mothers who are breastfeeding, you continue doing so in public if you want to. Know that you have the support of the majority of the public (and me). And like what the video below says, OWN IT!


  1. You have me all fired up now. This is one topic I'm extremely passionate about. This experiment is a great example of our society "calling good evil and evil good." What's disgusting is that we allow magazine covers with topless women in provocative poses and call it free expression and "empowerment" (*eye roll*), but we cringe when a woman feeds her baby in the way that all mammals do. I also find it extremely disturbing that kids know more about sex and porn than about breastfeeding, pregnancy, and birth, and find the former ones "natural" and the latter ones "gross." Thankfully, I've never received negative comments in my public breastfeeding experiences (uncovered as well, though from the bottom up, not from the top down as shown in the video). And I've reached a point where if I ever did, I would have no problem telling the person to take a long walk on a short pier. Lol. This is my fave video on the subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LURZqBig734

    1. I laughed so hard at the video, especially the part about covering up the head to eat. It must be so uncomfortable and hot for the infant! I totally agree-- it is disgusting how something good is labeled as bad/ disgusting. What is wrong with breastfeeding in public? I just don't get it.

    2. In Arizona, I would use the cover for latching my babies on, especially when they were newborns and it was messy and took some time. Then once we were settled, I would move the cover from their faces so they could see and breathe. As they got older, I hardly used the cover at all.

      People have a problem with seeing bodies in their natural glory. If it doesn't turn them on, then they don't want to see it (related to a point I addressed in that modesty article, how women who are bigger or "ugly" are told to cover up). I even read in a marriage article a long time ago that spouses shouldn't see each other go to the bathroom! That's silly, and it's no big deal because everyone and everything in the world eliminates waste. Our society has an issue with bodies performing non-sexual or non-athletic activities, even though we were created to do those things. It doesn't make sense at all.


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