Sunday, June 29, 2014

OW again...

I know, I know. I said that I won't talk about OW except in my last post, and yet, here I am talking about it again. Sorry. It's just that I think it's important that I clear up any misconceptions people have about my church. In one of my very first posts, I wrote that my religion empowered me as a woman. I hope this post partly helps explain why I feel this way, especially with regards to what happened to Kate Kelly.

Yesterday the top Church leaders released a statement clarifying the issue about Kate Kelly's excommunication (the full statement can be found HERE on the official website of the Church)- although they didn't directly refer to it. Subtle... Anyway, I've excerpted the parts that clarifies why people might face disciplinary action within the Church:

We understand that from time to time Church members will have questions about Church doctrine, history or practice. Members are always free to ask such questions and earnestly seek greater understanding. We feel special concern, however, for members who distance themselves from Church doctrine or practice and, by advocacy, encourage others to follow them.

Simply asking questions has never constituted apostasy. Apostasy is repeatedly acting in clear, open, and deliberate public opposition to the Church or its faithful leaders, or persisting, after receiving counsel, in teaching false doctrine. 

Short, simple and BAM!

To me, it's comforting to know that asking questions does not constitute apostasy. I'm sure most everyone has had doubts about the Church one time or another on their spiritual journey, or will be tempted to leave the Church. At least it's true from my personal experience and observations... It thus reassures me that the Church isn't saying that we can't or shouldn't ask questions/ voice doubts.

The test, then, isn't the "questioning" part. Rather, it's our reaction when we receive an answer.

And this is where it can trip people because sometimes, the answer is, "I don't know, and I might have to wait till the next life before I get an answer." I'm not even kidding- because that's what happened to me, and it's hard to hear that.

I think it all goes back to what I wrote in one of my earliest posts. As a feminists, I recognize that the way my Church is organized, and the way authority is disseminated, is patriarchal in nature. However, I am reconciled to this fact, and I sustain (support, listen and obey) these men as my leaders in all things pertaining to religion, morality and gender roles. Therefore, even though I have questions, I still choose to sustain my leaders and comply with their instructions.

And you know what? Strangely enough, even though I might not get the answer I want, I feel at peace, almost as if God is telling me, "Look, you don't need to know this right now. Focus on (xxx) and (yyy) now- these are more important and necessary to your salvation. Answers will come later. Just trust my timing."

Perhaps this is what faith is really all about.

1 comment:

  1. Kate released the letter of excommunication to the press. It reiterated the Church statement: that the decision was based on her recruiting members and circulating pamphlets and not stopping after being told her actions could lead to excommunication.


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