Sunday, May 4, 2014

Turning Point

January 2011
The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
National Geographic photographer Lynsey Addario

Women in Afghanistan

This woman was 12 when she married, and husband beat her so badly, she ran away, only to be caught by her husband who cut off her nose, ears and hair. Thankfully, she was able to later seek help at a women's shelter, and came to the United States for reconstructive surgery.

A 22 year old prison inmate. Her crime? Asking for a divorce from her husband who was 70 years old and paralyzed.

A hospital in Faizabad, a provincial capital. Afghan doctors, nurses and midwives, trained in Russia and Kabul, work to deliver twins even in sub-par hospital conditions.

After years of abuse, Afghan women are beginning to fight back and reclaim their humanity. 

Sadly, women (and men and children) in other countries, like Darfur, are still ravaged by war.
Burning of villages. Severe malnutrition. 

I sat there, stunned and speechless, as I felt my heart break into pieces. 
Why was this even happening? How can people be so cruel? How did we descend to this point? 

This was my turning point, my awakening.

Why am I a feminist? Because of these images. 

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